Laura “Chiraya” Fox has a personal vision and mission fueled by passion leading to action which focuses on helping humanity in its spiritual maturation process through techniques and tools of “subtle activism.”

Formerly an event producer and radio host of Visionary Culture Radio, Laura is now focusing on bringing her wide array of offerings to assist in “the shift” in awareness and realization that is now occurring on the planet.

Artist, seer, mentor, healer, author and speaker, Laura works with groups and individuals to clear the “overlays” on consciousness – the waxy build-up from eons of human experience – so that the true essential nature of a person, a group or a community can emerge to shine fully and share its true gifts, fulfilling its dharma destiny mission with great joy. She is gifted with, and has earned through years of study and practice, the ability to accomplish this through various means: intellectually, through imparting understanding; emotionally, through energy clearing, dialogue and emotional intelligence awareness; and spiritually, through a direct connection to Source, her inner wisdom and guides.

Books forthcoming include:

The Heart of Collaboration: Creating Group Resonance

Anchor The Dream: Energetic Activism for Plnetary Transformation

Love’s Whisperings: A Treatise on Authentic Spiritual Development

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